Maybe you've seen the latest video from the European team and were wondering to yourself, "how did stripping become part of the job responsibilities of a bunch of climate campaigners?"

Well, it all started one day last week, when a couple of the 350 Europe team members and I left our Berlin office for a creative lunch. The task: come up with a video concept for our next social media push to energize people for 10/10/10. We'd just done a series of videos showcasing the work we were doing in the office and decided we needed a change of scenery to keep our audience captivated. After exploring a few ideas, our European Coordinator, Diana, blurted out, “why don't we strip?”
Hmm, why don't we strip? Could we actually pull it off (pun intended)?
So we took an inventory of our resources:

- a consumer camcorder;
- a five-person team, most of whom are not used to acting for the camera, and all of whom (I think!) are not used to stripping in front of one;
- and enough creativity to tweak a successful idea from last year to fit our message for 10/10/10.
…Not quite enough to turn the idea into a reality.
But throw in a 30 Euro budget, a kind contribution of studio space from Heidi Scherm Fotografie and the selfless donations of a few embarrassing moments from each of us, and we had the makings of a rockin' video.
In the end, making this video to promote the 10/10/10 Global Work Party was a mini-Work Party in and of itself. Who knew you could have so much fun stripping on a Thursday morning for the climate! We hope you have as much fun getting to work on climate solutions in your community on 10/10/10 as we did in bringing you this video.
Have a look at the video and tell us what you think – how well did we pull it off?