Last year one of the world’s largest banks – HSBC – unveiled its new policy to stop financing coal power projects worldwide. Every except in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam, that is. It’s a loophole HSBC has refused to close despite the mounting pressure from communities in these countries.

We can’t afford to back down, so instead we’re ramping up the pressure.

On 12 April, HSBC will be holding its annual shareholders’ meeting in the UK. We’re taking this opportunity to demand HSBC stop profiting from death and destruction of people and the planet.

If enough of us spread the word, we can show them that the world is watching, and force HSBC to stop funding destruction.

Back in January, HSBC launched the “Together We Thrive” ad campaign, alluding to global trade and finance. But they forgot to mention their role in the climate breakdown. So we did it for them.

When they look at their bank statement, HSBC doesn’t want its customers to see communities choking on air pollution, or the blood on its hands from the arms companies HSBC has helped fund. Share this video to make sure that everyone sees what’s behind HSBC’s greenwashing.

HSBC funds the exploitation of people and the planet through its loans and investments.

In the last three years HSBC has poured £43bn into fossil fuels. The bank has also been found investing over £830m in arms companies and being involved in syndicated loans to the arms sector exceeding £18.9bn. HSBC continues to do business with over a dozen companies selling military equipment and technology that violate human rights.

We want to shame HSBC for their destructive investments in front of their stakeholders, so we prepared this video for everyone to know the truth HSBC has been trying to hide. Please watch and share to spread the word.

Whether it’s supporting arms sales or financing the extraction of fossil fuels, HSBC is profiting from destruction. This cannot continue.

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