Today, 1st May, is International Workers’ Day – a celebration of labourers and the working classes. Thanks to trade union and working class resistance – and people putting their bodies on the line – rights such as the 8-hour working day (or less!) have been won in many countries across the world. As people from different corners of the globe take the day off and go to the streets to festively commemorate, today is also the perfect day to learn more about the history of working class movements; how workers have been fighting for a just transition in the face of the climate crisis and continue to do so; and how climate and labour rights are connected. Below we’ve begun collecting a few resources to kick start a learning list, and we’d love to hear your contributions and ideas too. Tweet .@350europe for other resource suggestions, examples from other places of what the just transition looks like, and ideas for how movements and issues can and do connect.

What is a ‘just transition’?

‘Core to a just transition is deep democracy in which workers and communities have control over the decisions that affect their daily lives.’ – Climate Justice Alliance

Check out this explainer from Carbon Brief for more information:


What does it mean for communities and workers?

Check out this story from the Black Mesa Water Coalition:

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy also just released their latest working paper discussing how worker focused concerns can be integrated into a broad programme for social change that addresses the need for socio-ecological transformation.

Who is working for a Just Transition?

If you’re interested in working more in partnership with trade unions in your campaign, check out this guide from UK-based Campaign Against Climate Change. Please share other links and information you might have yourselves by tweeting .@350europe. And if you’re not yet part of a campaign, join one or start your own! 

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
