As I write, a wife and husband duo are on an epic race against time as they drive a truck over 1000km from Sydney to Brisbane, Australia. They're stopping along the way, picking up more than 100 donated bikes, to be shipped to the Pacific Island nation of Nauru. Our organisers in Nauru have dreamt of a massive bike rally around the island for Moving Planet, on September 24th. So we've been collaborating across borders – Ann in Nauru, Kim, Blair and Benny in Australia, and myself in New Zealand to make sure that they have bikes to do the rally with.
This really is a remarkable story of kindness and collaboration – symbolic of the vision and hope 350 organisers around the world share. The truck driving duo – Kimberly and James – have taken time off work to get the bikes to the shipyard in time for the departure of the boat. Others like Benny have spent hours preparing the bikes for shipment.
When the bikes arrive in Nauru, our organiser Ann will be orchestrating the unloading and recording the excitement and change. With a population of only 10,000 people these bikes will make a real difference as they aspire to move away from dependence on fossil fuels.
The startling thing is that we've managed to pull this all off on a budget of just $1000. That works out to under $10 per bike. It's a timely reminder that the transformation to a 350ppm future doesn't depend on massive, expensive techno-fixes, but it can in large part be brought on by dedicated and collaborative people power.
It's that people power that we need to continue to build because like no other challenge we have faced, climate change pays no respect to country borders. To meet the challenge, we need focused organisers collaborating and reaching across borders. So far our movement has successfully mobilised country by country, making up a remarkable global tally of actions. But what could we achieve if we go a step further and start reaching across borders and combining our people power in collaborative projects and actions?
With this first load of bikes on their way, we're already thinking about how we could do this again but on a bigger scale – we want to send thousands of bikes to our organisers in every corner of the Pacific. We are now connected up with a partner organisation with whom we can make this a reality – Good Will Bicycles. They are an Australian organisation that collects and prepares bikes for distribution for charitable purposes.
Unless we can up our game and get more creative, I fear that a 350ppm future will remain elusive. Creativity is our secret weapon in the fight against climate change – it is what will bring a 350ppm world to life. Are you ready to unleash it?