350.org hosted an action this morning on the beach in Cancun to make it clear that while some countries at the UN climate talks are dragging their feet, others are negotiating for their very survival.
Youth delegates from the Dominican Republic, Mexico, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Philippines sat at a table submerged in the crashing waves. They held signs with the targets that have come to signify the fight for survival here at the talks: 1.5 degrees C and 350 ppm.
"For us, climate change is an everyday reality," said Anna, a youth representative with the official Philippines delegation.

Creative actions like this morning's is one of the ways that 350.org makes a difference at the UN Climate Meetings. We've found that in a setting dominated by draft texts and hours of negotiatings, pictures often speak louder than words. An iconic image like delegates sitting the waves can help set the tone for the talks in the final hours and remind politicians (and the public) what these negotiations are all about.

Thanks to the hard work of Arturo and our media team, there were dozens of reporters and photographers at the event this morning, including international outlets like Reuters and the Associated Press. Keep your eyes peeled for images and help spread the word: 350 ppm = Survival!
And a huge thanks to our friends at Bunkerfilms.com for the photos and Evolvelovelive.com for the video footage!