April 22, 2017

350.org: March for Science Kicks Off Week of Action Culminating in Peoples Climate March

Washington, DC — Today, the March for Science saw tens of thousands of people in the streets of Washington, DC, along with over 600 sister marches around the world, in a historic demonstration for science and truth. The strong showing is a momentous beginning to a  week of action that will culminate on April 29th through the Peoples Climate March, a mobilization for climate, jobs, and justice.

Bill McKibben, 350.org co-founder, said:

“Scientists have not been eager to get politically involved, but in the face of unceasing attacks and organized denial, they’re putting their credibility to good use. Now the rest of us can back them up next weekend when everyone gets to march!”

May Boeve, 350.org Executive Director, said:

“Today’s march is about respecting science, next week’s Peoples Climate March will be about acting on it. Attacks on science aren’t anything new, Exxon and its fossil fuel allies have spent the last half a century funding politicians and front-groups to sow doubt around scientific fact, what’s exciting is to see so many people beginning to fight back.

The Peoples Climate March is the next step for the March for Science: a call to get more engaged in our political system, to confront power, and to demand solutions. The demands we will put forward — respect for Indigenous peoples, investments in communities on the front lines of the climate crisis, transitioning from fossil fuels to 100% clean energy economy that works for all, and more — highlight the intersections between our different struggles, and the common solutions we can work for together.”

The March for Science kicks off a week of action, dubbed “From Truth to Justice: Earth Day to May Day 2017,” that will feature more than 50 events, including: the launch of visionary clean energy legislation, a speak-out of the 21 young people suing the US government, art builds, a massive youth convergence, direct actions, and more.

The Peoples Climate March is about confronting power and demanding bold solutions to the climate crisis. Tens of thousands of people will call for investments in communities on the front lines, moving away from fossil fuels towards 100% clean energy, and more.


350.org is a partner of both the March for Science and the April 29th Peoples Climate March, and serves on the Steering Committee of the Peoples Climate Mobilization. 

