December 10, 2023 responds to Al- Jaber’s Media Stakeout 

Andreas Sieber: Associate Director for Policy and Campaigns at

“As COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber started his press briefing today at COP28, calls to phase out fossil fuels rang around the press room. A coalition of climate campaigners came together to demand that world leaders hold the line for a just energy transition, and agree to the fast and fair phaseout of fossil fuels and the tripling of renewable energy by 2030. It is 28 years overdue for a COP President to call for strong language on ending fossil fuels. The most climate-vulnerable nations and civil society have been leading on the call for climate ambition since the beginning of the climate talks. Now we need to see the COP28 Presidency deliver on its promise for an ambitious outcome, it’s time for leaders to get a fair and funded energy package over the line.”


