February 3, 2016

350.org: Toxic Trans-Pacific Partnership is a Climate Disaster

Global — The Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal to be signed in New Zealand this Thursday is a toxic deal that would give dangerous new powers to the fossil fuel industry and pose a serious harm to the climate, according to the global climate campaign 350.org.

“The TPP is a fossil fuel industry handout,” said Payal Parekh, 350.org Global Managing Director. “This partnership in pollution gives corporations the right to challenge any local government or community that tries to keep fossil fuels in the ground. The deal signed in New Zealand today makes a mockery of the climate agreement decided in Paris last December. If countries are serious about addressing the climate crisis, they need to stand up to coal, oil and gas companies, not reward them with new rights and privileges.”

350.org is one of many organizations around the world who will be mobilizing its members to fight back against the TPP and block its final approval and implementation.

In the United States, the organization has delivered tens of thousands of signatures to Congress and the White House calling on them to reject the deal.

“This toxic deal will be a stain on President Obama’s climate legacy,” said Jason Kowalski, 350.org Policy Director. “The TPP would expand the rules that TransCanada is currently using to sue the US government for $15 billion over President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. This is like giving your opposing team in the Super Bowl the right to overturn the referees whenever they want. It’s bad policy, bad politics, and a bad deal for our country.”

“This toxic and secretive agreement is not only a climate disaster, but a serious affront on democracy,” said Hoda Baraka, Global Communications Manager. “The TPP serves the interests of corporations at the expense of people and planet giving them supranational legal powers to be enacted through private and non-transparent trade tribunals. But the might of our movement is greater than their money or manipulation and we will continue to stand up for a safe planet putting an end to such destructive agreements and the corporate interests behind them.”

This May, 350.org and international partners are organizing a week of action called “Break Free” when activists on nearly every continent will host major protests and direct action at some of the most devastating fossil fuel projects on the planet.





