November 15, 2022

Fossils Out Day Press Conference and Action: Phase out Fossil Fuels to keep at 1.5 Alive


DATE: 16th November 2022

Contact: Kim Bryan [email protected] / +447770881503

Fossils Out Day: Press Conference and Action: Phase out Fossil Fuels to keep at 1.5 Alive

Sharm El Sheikh –  As COP27 enters its final week, civil society actors are calling on world governments to commit to a swift, just and equitable phase out of fossil fuels in the final text of the conference, in order to stay at 1.5 degrees.  No one attending COP27 can be in any doubt; oil and gas cannot be decarbonized. The only meaningful action is to phase out oil and gas extraction.

Negotiations have now started on the cover text towards the end of week one and whilst India, EU and AOSIS members reminded countries of the global scientific consensus articulated in the IPCC’s 6th assessment report, much needs to be done in order to secure the critical phase-out of all fossil fuels. Many governments continue to approve and finance new coal, oil and gas projects even though burning the world’s fossil fuel reserves  would result in seven times more greenhouse emissions than what is compatible with keeping warming below 1.5°C. 

Join activists and experts on COP27 for an action and press conference calling for the phase out of fossil fuels. 


Action: 10 am at Action Zone 1 in Area B,

Press Conference: 10:30 am at Luxor Room

Who: Chaired by May Boeve; Chief Executive, Joseph Sikulu: Pacific Climate Warriors, Harjeet Singh: Head of Global Political Strategy, CAN International, Omar Elmawi: Stop EACOP Campaign, Luisa Neubauer: Fridays for Future Germany, David Tong: Oil Change International

The press conference can also be streamed live at the UNFCCC webcast: 

 For those watching from the webcast please send questions in via Signal/ WhatsApp to +27842570627

