May 26, 2018

Position of Brazil on the fuel crisis that paralyzed the country

BRASILIA — With regard to the national crisis generated by the increase in the price of fossil fuels, which triggered the truckers’ strike, Nicole Figueiredo de Oliveira, Director of Brazil and Latin America, issues the following statement:


“The crisis in the supply of fossil fuels, which paralyzed the country in recent days, shows how the complete dependence on gasoline and diesel oil, both petroleum products, is an evil to be cut at its roots.

Unlike other nations, which have chosen to rebuild their energy matrixes and adopt more efficient standards, with changing transport modes and emission reductions, president Michel Temer’s choices have always been on the path of setbacks.

As in the case of the Provisional Measure 795, which granted a fiscal renunciation of around 1 trillion Reais to multinational oil companies, the option adopted by the government to try to contain the crisis at this moment, increasing the subsidy to diesel oil, goes against the need to to end this dependence on fossil fuels, in addition to counteracting the emission reduction commitments made under the Paris Agreement.

The scenario of urban chaos, with kilometer lines at gas stations, denounces the urgency of a quick and fair transition to a low carbon economy, with local and distributed energy generation through renewable, free and accessible sources for all. This is the real and only solution to the economic, energy and climate crisis we are experiencing today.”


CONTACT: Nathália Clark, communications coordinator at Brazil and Latin America, [email protected] / +55 61 98160-5551
