January 22, 2019

‘Stop Adani Now’ Demand Campaigners

As Australia burns under record breaking temperatures, campaigners against the Adani mega mine demand that the Australian government immediately abandon plans for Australia’s carbon bomb

“Australia cannot afford to unleash any more carbon into the atmosphere. In the last week, we have seen the massive impacts of climate change- up to a million fish have died, fruit on trees is burning from the inside out, bats are collapsing, being outside has become impossible.” Glen Klatovsky, CEO of 350.org Australia..

The proposed mega mine will become one of the largest coal mines on the planet, covering an area of 200 square kilometres and producing 27 million tonnes of coal per year, all of which will be shipped through

The decisions made by the Australian government today will have a serious impact on the future of the globe and specifically the nearby  Pacific islands which are already experiencing climate change impacts No matter where in the world this coal is burned, it will contribute directly to climate change.” Fenton Lutunatabua, Pacific Regional Coordinator, 350.org.

Nowhere is climate change more evident than in the Pacific Islands, where entire populations are facing existential challenges – the very real prospect of full evacuation, dispersed resettlement, and potential cultural annihilation. Rising sea levels in the region will mean literal submersion for some islands and the devastation of precious freshwater and biological resources for others.

Australia  is one of the worlds most vulnerable countries to climate change because of its extensive arid and semi-arid areas, an already warm climate, high annual rainfall variability, and existing pressures on water supply. The continent’s high fire risk increases this susceptibility to change in temperature and climate. Additionally, Australia’s population is highly concentrated in coastal areas, and its important tourism industry depends on the health of the Great Barrier Reef and other fragile ecosystems.

