April 19, 2016

350.org on Senate Energy Bill: “The VHS tape of climate policy”

Washington, DC — As the U.S. Senate considers the energy bill, 350.org’s US Policy Director Jason Kowalski issued the following statement:

“This bill is the VHS tape of climate policy: tolerable in the 80s or 90s, but not in tune with the scientific realities of 2016. We need Congress to get with the times and stop writing bills that prop up the fossil fuel industry that’s wrecking our climate.”

One particular section of the bill would expedite liquefied natural gas (LNG) export projects, a measure that would encourage more fracking for natural gas.

Liquid natural gas is not a climate solution – it’s worse than coal from start to finish. Luckily the climate movement is a few steps ahead of the U.S. Senate: two west coast export terminals were just defeated by the relentless organizing of Oregonians and indigenous communities. From Keystone XL, to LNG export projects, opposition to new fossil fuel infrastructure is the new normal.”

Candidates for president have been debating the merits of fracking in New York recently, a state that decided to ban fracking altogether given its public health and climate impacts. Voters from both parties will be casting ballots in today’s presidential primary.

Contact: Lindsay Meiman, 350.org, (347) 460-9082
