Established by the Civil Services Society in the Indian capital city of Delhi, Sanskriti has become one of the leading schools in the little over ten years time period of its establishment. The school recently won an award for its work with ragpickers and slum-children and has addressed its share of equity issues. Today, right in front of my eyes, Sanskriti School became another first.

The school called for ‘Sanskriti 350’ – an inter-school event inviting eco-clubs from over 30 schools, in a bid to highlight the importance of 350. Remarkably enough, Sanskriti (meaning culture) 350 was an event completely for the youth, by the youth and of the youth!

The youth event had everything from a green fashion show, a brainstorming session, green film competition, ad-mad, to a rock-band competition titled ‘the sounds of 350’! The event saw a good participation and was inaugurated by the Secreatary, Environment in the Government of Delhi Mr. J.K. Dadoo – who elaborated on the science and policy of climate change. He also warned the students of a disease called ‘affluenza’ which, according to him, is a major threat to the global environment.

The ‘Green Brigade’ of the Sanksriti School, that first took shape under ther able guidance of Mrs. Nita Ganguly, a dedicated teacher from the school, is led by Lavanya Julaniya – an enthusiastic student and one of the main organisers of the Sanskriti 350 event.

The enthusiasm of the young adults and the energy levels in them clearly suggested that the youth has understood the urgency to act today in order to ensure their survival, and the survival of their children and grandchildren on this Planet. It was most inspiring when the School Principal Mrs. Abha Sahgal took to stage and declared that her generation had clearly not done enough to protect our environment and that she is whole-heartedly with the youth – leading the green movement.

Sanskriti 350 also saw participation from the Indian Youth Climate Network, Delhi Greens and the 48C Festival being celebrated in the city.

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