Here's a guest post from Tim Harlan-Marks, one of the many talented and passionate 350 organizers in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Thanks to MN350 for rocking such a great action with only 24 hours notice!

"Yes we can say no to the Keystone XL pipeline!  That's the message we sent to President Obama this morning as his cavalcade rolled into town.  Somehow, in less than 24 hours, a group of nearly 60 of us Minnesota climate activists went from no awareness of our commander in chief's planned visit, to rallying outside the Minneapolis convention center with signs, smiles, and a massive banner bearing our message.  It really speaks to the movement we're building here and how people are connecting with the urgency of this issue.


Photo: Erick Boustead

I know for myself that I have been disappointed not to be able to join my brothers and sisters sitting in on the White House lawn this week, and so it felt particularly critical to jump when an opportunity arose to send a clear message to our president about my expectations for his role in diffusing the carbon bomb that is the Keystone XL pipeline.  I am proud of the little event we put on today and warmed by the wonderful people I met.  I am also as committed as ever to showing our elected officials that we mean business about this pipeline; we will not be steamrolled by myopic soundbites about the needs of the economy; that a line has been drawn, and we will continue to demonstrate organized efforts of objection and resistance should it be crossed."


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