Today we’re excited to announce that a new band from the Arctic Circle in Norway, Arctic Queen, launches their 350 cd – read musician John John’s words below about the project, and visit to download a free copy, and pass along the word to friends.

The Arctic Queen is as much a brand as a band – means that we want to use the brand Arctic Queen to better the world, and do something about climate change – we want to use the AQ brand to save the ice in the Arctic, through music, films, and books.

Our goal is that 100,000 free copies of the 350 album will be downloaded during the 350 hours this campaign launch lasts – that will give us a a strong voice when our media campaign starts as phase 2 of the project – and also when we start pushing the politicians towards the edge of the last ice flakes.

Walruses and polarbears and snowfoxes and seals and birds are fighting to survive because of the climate change in the arctic – it is an enormous tradegy going on up there. Walruses are crushing their babykids to death because it is not enough space on the last ice flakes for all of them – Polar bears swimming helplessly around in the middle of the Arctic Ocean because the ice has disappeared under their feet – the stories are numerous. And we have to help them now.

100 000 copies might sound a lot, but if everybody is downloading a copy or two, and tells everybody else to do the same, visits and watches our films on You Tube, and tells all their family and friends to do the same, it will be an easy match. When the first part of our goal is reached, AQ will start to tour the world and address the climate issues to the world.

And by the way, I must say the San Francisco 350 album sounds great, and has great songs on it, and we are very proud that we were able to free ourself from the record companies, and make this albums just for the cause. Read the whole story on our website.

We are going to fight to save the arctic ice – the thermometer for all the climate in the world. 350 is our number – the only one who is going to get us there! Help us please. Please go to and download your free copy of the San Francisco 350 album.

Thanks and enjoy the music.

John John and Ragnhild, Arctic Circle, Norway Nov. 17. 2008

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