In March 2022, 350.org supported a #StopEACOP tour in Europe, bringing fours activists from Uganda to raise awareness of the impact of EACOP on their communities and on our climate. The delegation visited France, Germany, Switzerland and the Vatican and met 16 financial and political institutions as well as government officials, UN representatives and the Pope.
The African #StopEACOP tour members were facilitated on the ground by European climate activists, in protests, actions, interviews and meetings. Stacy Algrin, a 26-year-old French climate activist and journalist was among them. Stacy became aware of environmental issues growing up in the French city of Berre l’Étang, where a petrochemical plant behind her house caused constant pollution and smells. The more she understood about the damage caused by the plant, the more of an activist she became.
Today, Stacy works to raise awareness of the climate crisis. In early 2022, for example, she organised 40 volunteers taking part in a two-month long educational action on just transition policies, in preparation for France’s presidential elections.
Stacy who is a big fan of creative tactics and performance also joined the #StopEACOP tour campaign in 2022.
She joined the Ugandan delegation in many meetings, including with members of the European Parliament from France and around Europe. She is particularly proud of the outcomes of those meetings, which led politicians and the European Parliament to criticise the EACOP project.
“For some of them, it was one of the first times that they got to hear about this climate bomb. But surely not the last! 350.org is a key actor in this fight, they operate like no other organisation does: through a ‘learning by doing’ process, very close and available to those on the ground, and with very effective ways of sharing their experience and learnings.”