Let’s stop fossil fuel finance

Millions have mobilized to stop the climate crisis from getting worse. Now’s the time to follow the money and pressure all banks, insurers, and governments to stop funding fossil fuels.

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Even after adopting the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, major global banks’ financing for fossil fuels continues to increase every year. As long as money continues to flow into new fossil fuel developments, we will never have a chance at a just transition away from climate chaos. Ending fossil fuel finance is a vital first step in building a future towards a rapid and sustained fossil fuel decline on a 1.5° Celsius compatible pathway.

The climate movement is driving home the fact that by increasing financing of fossil fuels, banks and other financiers are responsible for an extremely high risk of massive harm to the planet and its people — that is, banks and the financial industry at large have enormous climate responsibility.

That’s why, in many countries around the world, campaigns calling banks, finance ministers, and governments to end fossil fuel finance are popping up. Add your weight to the public pressure on these institutions to do the right thing: pledge to take action against institutions bankrolling climate disaster.

Sign up now, and we will keep you posted on the most relevant and local actions you can take.

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Active Campaigns

Support these campaigns wherever you are, and be up-to-date with more ways to take action.

ACC, one of NZ’s major public investment funds, uses over $200 million of our public money to line the pockets of dirty fossil fuel companies that have knowingly pushed our climate to the brink of collapse and are now threatening to take us over the edge.

Call on ACC to go fossil-free

Industrial Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) is the world’s biggest bank currently funding huge coal projects in Africa and Asia.

From October 2018 to October 2020, ICBC channeled $40 billion to the coal industry.

ICBC has shown its commitment to the environment in many ways. But to set an example, they must commit to a cleaner future without coal.

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We want clean air and the preservation of the environment and ecosystems in Indonesia. Unfortunately, four major banks are still funding dirty coal for energy production. It’s time for them to switch and make the money flow towards renewable energy.

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We call on MUFG, Mizuho, and SMBC banks to demonstrate leadership towards a carbon-free society through responsible financial actions. This way, these banks will contribute to solving, not worsening, the climate crisis.

Sign up as an individual or as an organisation

Decisions about what comes next after the COVID-19 pandemic are already being made. The European Central Bank’s emergency response must ensure that people and the planet, not polluters, are at the heart of a just recovery in Europe and beyond. Instead of handouts for fossil fuels, we must invest in an economy that cares for people and the planet.

Find out more

The Bank of England has the power to cut off the finance flows of UK money to polluting industries and fund the future we need.

We’re calling on the Bank of England Governor, Andrew Bailey: Stop funding the climate crisis and regulate the banks that do.

Sign the petition

A call on the Minister of Finance to insist that the DBSA and IDC invest in a clean energy future with social and climate justice at the heart of transition away from fossil fuels.

Sign the petition

The Federal Reserve is a key institution in the government-wide project of a Green New Deal. Not only is it instrumental in allocating the trillions of dollars of financing we need to make a just transition, but the Fed must also move in the very near term to use its vested authority to curb fossil fuel financing.

Tell US President Joe Biden to nominate a climate leader as Fed Chair.

Sign the petition

Reports We Follow

RAN: Banking on Climate Change

This is the latest edition of the Rainforest Action Network and its partners' annual fossil fuel finance report, Banking on Climate Change 2021. The report lays out banks’ support for fossil fuels five years after the Paris Agreement was adopted, which alarmingly, is still on the rise.

Urgewald: Global Coal Exit List

Global Coal Exit List 2021

Urgewald's Global Coal Exit List 2021 is a resource for investors and financial institutions that want to understand and manage climate risks in their portfolios.

Reclaim Finance: Make Money Work for Climate

Central banks can significantly influence how polluting and “green” activities are financed. They supervise the monetary and financial system and issue money, thus determining money availability and lending conditions. In times of crisis, central banks are lenders of last resort for institutions and governments. Learn more.

Useful Resources

If we can get enough finance institutions to turn their backs on dirty fossil fuel projects – we can free up that money to fund real renewable energy solutions that work for all. You can use the resources and toolkits below to help you get started and achieve meaningful change wherever you are.


Action Planning Resources

This list of organising principles sketches out the values that underpin the Fossil Free movement.
Do words like campaign strategy and tactics sound scary to you? This beautiful Climate Resistance Handbook by Daniel Hunter can help you take your climate activism to the next level.

This power-mapping resource allows you to identify targets and focus your strategy. It is a useful visual tool to help outline your campaigning possibilities. Created by 350 Trainings.

These two resources, one from Beautiful Rising and the other from Beautiful Trouble, offer a list of tactics to stretch your creativity.

This checklist and list of tips from Seeds for Change, can help organisers think through preparing their actions.

This art kit was developed during the global COVID-19 pandemic. You can download and share art, find guides on creating your own art, and find resources on holding virtual art builds.

A guide for using the Pixelstick as a tool for creating light paintings for creative protests.


Find top tips on how to tell stories, train speakers, and amplify your work in the press, in this handy guide.
Develop your group’s media skills and public reach through this useful set of trainings.
Learn how to give great interviews and get your message across with this guideline.

Digital Campaigning and Organising

This resource created by 350’s own digital team offers ideas on how to boost mobilisations through digital content and outreach.
This set of videos and top tips about how to cover your action online, will help you ensure people hear about and spread the word about your campaign.
This toolkit will help you learn how to find your story, decide which digital tools to use and how to use them, learn basic photo and video editing, and how to strategically share your story once it’s done.

Equity and Climate Justice

This handbook by Guppi Bola and Jannat Hossain offers practical ways for campaigners to reflect on and address issues of power and privilege within organisations.

This visual guide by Earth in Brackets is a useful introduction to climate justice. To better understand the equitable responsibility of states for the climate crisis, see the Civil Society Review, or Climate Fairshares.

Facilitation Tools

This in-depth guide from Seeds for Change explores how to make your meetings more effective and inclusive. A simple method for facilitating great meetings can also be found here.

Struggling with decision-making? This list of tips will make help you navigate difficult choices and impasses.

Inclusive, healthy and democratic processes are the bedrock of strong movements. This great guide by Aorta will help you ‘make meetings awesome for everyone.’

The  most comprehensive manual — with over 80 tools to make your workshops and events more participatory and interactive.

Building Groups

Involving people in movements is always a challenge. This resource may help you think through how to grow your group by involving different audiences.

All strong groups and movements require a strong base. This great resource by European Changemakers offers tips on how to expand those who support you, and participate in your group.
