There are only 9 days until the Global Day of Action. TODAY is a key stop on that journey. Today, Oct. 15th, is Blog Action Day and thousands of bloggers (including us!), have come together to write about climate change, to use one day to change the global conversation. You can still join in – all kinds of bloggers are invited to participate. We’re incredibly grateful to bloggers the world over who are helping to spread the message about the International Day of Climate Action as part of Blog Action Day. Visit for an array of tools to help you get the word out.

These last few days are crucial for getting the word out and making sure the more than 2600 actions planned for Oct. 24 around the world have a truly global impact. Your webby & social network skills can make a big real world difference. Below are 9 activity ideas you can use to invite your community to participate & build momentum for Oct. 24th! Ideas range from using blogging, email, Facebook, Twitter, videos, to your phone & more!

1 – Open your email address book for Oct. 24! – Email is still the most effective social network, so let’s use it to the max! Email your friends, co-workers, family, everyone you know to join you at your local Oct. 24 event and actions taking place in almost every country on the planet. Send your friends to the new Action Map to find their local action & RSVP! Use the Tell your Friend tool to help you rock your email outreach.

2 – Invite 35+ Friends on Facebook(Not yet a fan of our Facebook page? Join here!) Take a moment to invite 35 friends (or 350 friends?! or more?!) to the 350 Facebook Page. Just click "Suggest to Friends" below the 350 logo. This will be a huge boost to reaching our goal of taking over facebook with the most important number on the planet! Also make sure to follow-up with your friends afterwards (or update your status) – inviting them to join you at your Oct. 24th action. Active on other social networks? – Invite your friends there, too!

3 – Add 350 to your Social Network profile photo  – Imagine when all of your friends see your profile photo with 350. They’ll be intrigued and want to know more – and you’ll be there to tell them what the number means for all of us and the planet – and how to get involved to make it a reality!

  • Here’s a nifty tool that makes it easy to update your Facebook photo with 350: (Just remember to click "Make Profile Picture" when you’re done!)
  • You can use the same tool to add 350 to your photo on Twitter:
  • Active on another network? Grab the 350 image file here to layer on top of your photo.

4 – Post an Oct. 24 Status Update! Are you active on Facebook, Twitter or another social network? Invite your friends to join you through a status update! Here’s an example update: “Enough talk about global warming, let’s take action! Join me and my friends at an event to save the climate this Saturday, Oct. 24th – it’s going to be a ton of fun! Leave a comment if you’re coming – ADD LINK TO YOUR ACTION HERE or find your local event @ Here’s a tip: tag your friends’ names in your updates so they know you care and want them to come.

5 – Join @350 on Twitter!
We use Twitter to share the latest movement updates, and highlight organizers around the world. The Media Team (follow ’em @350Buzz) recommends #350ppm as the main hashtag for Twitter. Hashtags are used on Twitter to indicate certain subjects so that people can search for them. You can also read more ‘tweets’ about 350 and the climate movement here.

6 – Adopt an action – Are you joining an action in your town? We hope so! Can you offer to help your local action organizer with online outreach? Things like creating a Facebook event & posting the action on local event sites (Upcoming, Craigslist…) can help reach extra people who may not have otherwise found out! You can find your local action via this map: https:///  Then reach out to the organizer by clicking "Contact this Person" below Event Organizer. Check out how Melissa Meece helped promote a Burlington, VT action by creating this great Facebook event.

7 – Add 350 to your email signatures.
Use Replyforall to feature 350 to your email signatures – sign up here! (Replyforall’s email signature stays focused on 350 & sponsor-free until Oct. 24th)

8 – Share the "In every corner of the globe…" video! Tweet it, Facebook it, email it, project it, put it on your ipod, and even take your laptop to the streets. This video was made to convey the importance of 350 and inspire people around the globe to join events on Oct. 24. Check out over 50 inspiring & informative videos on the 350 YouTube Channel– and pass ’em on, too.

9 – Get 350 Mobile – On the go? Get the latest 350 updates on your cell phone, in over 10 countries. We also have a new iPhone/iPod app!

Here’s a bonus idea, one it would be SO cool to see happen:

10 – Start an email chain letter! Successful chain letters are possibly the most viral way to reach out online. Whip up a letter about the importance of 350 and Oct. 24th, the Day of Action, and invite 10 friends to pass it on – with a message to invite their friends to pass it on. Soon, you may be WAY beyond your original group of friends. If anyone wants to try this, we’d love to support you and share our email address books, too.

We’re only touching on the social web iceberg here, Please share your ideas for getting the word out with social media and online networks in the comments! is an open-source campaign: it’s your ideas, input, and energy that will make October 24 and this movement for change a success. Many sincere thanks for wiring the web for climate action.

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
