Last night, we asked the 350 Facebook community to share their dreams for a 350 world. The hopes people have been sharing are too damn beautiful and full of vision not to share some of them here. Click the image to enlarge peoples’ comments. You can read more of them, and add your own, on the original Facebook thread. Below are three that stand out:  

"A world where I can take a deep breath anytime." – Oliver Kuy

"A world in which nobody is forced to flee from home because the coasts are flooded and desertification is spreading in the interior…" – Vicy Wenzelmanna

 "I see green forests, instead of red ones and smoke. I see walrus mothers able to feed their pups; coastlines of Alaska Native villages protected by ice and stable sea levels; healthy salmon in the Yukon river; snow , glaciers, and stable winter temps. I see caribou, Arctic fox, Dall sheep, Kittlitz’s murrelets, migratory birds, ponds, and polar bears on sea ice eating seals instead of on land eating each other." – Terri Pauls 

Like any intense political battle-ground, there are those who try and dilute hope.  If you’re in the new media stream, you can’t miss the blog posts & Twitter updates that posit that hope for a fair, ambitious, binding treaty in Copenhagen is beginning to fade. To this we say, We don’t give up hope; our hope doesn’t fade. Because we dream together, and because there’s just too much to fight for. There’s too much at stake. 

And if you’ve seen the photo deliveries in Barcelona & around the world, the way African delegates have stood up for 350 & survival, the heroics of Rajendra Pachauri, the way Pachauri, and Stern are bucking the trend, and the amazing groundswell of planetary support for 350. Well, then, we think you’ll join us in keeping the 350 treaty flame alive and burning ever-stronger.

Hope isn’t just a spectator sport, though — each of us needs to take action if we’re going to pull this off. 

To make sure world leaders hear our message for a global climate treaty that’s fair, ambitious, and binding enough to get us back to 350 — Will you act now by signing up to deliver 350 photos to your local politicians? 

We’ll continue to keep you posted on the latest developments and promise to work as hard as we can for survival and a sustainable future.

Onwards, with hope. 

Joe, for the Team

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
