Upcoming online trainings in Europe

COVID-19 has changed our plans, but we are still facing the same, urgent crises as before. In order to tackle them, we need to learn new ways to make our voices heard and to create broad, just and powerful movements.
To help us all find our way in this new context, 350 Europe is offering a series of upcoming trainings and skillshare sessions.

Check out upcoming sessions

Moving Your Training Online

Date: Wednesday 27 May
Time: 14:30-17:00 CEST

An interactive session for experienced facilitators and trainers on how to move their work online during the crisis. Sharing experiences, tips and tools for digital training. This session is hosted in collaboration with trainers from European Changemakers.


Sustainable Organising: Caring for Ourselves and Each Other

Date: Tuesday June 2
Time: 18:30-21:00 CEST

Working towards climate justice can be exciting and inspiring, but it can also be exhausting and stressful. Especially during a global pandemic! This interactive workshop will offer tools and tips for individual and collective care, to support ourselves and our groups to keep going for the long haul.


Getting to Grips with Disability Justice

Date: Thursday 4 June
Time: 19:30-21:30 CEST

This participatory workshop will explore the principles and ideas behind disability justice and offer space to reflect on how this relates to organising for climate justice.

It is part of a two-session webinar series exploring the principles and ideas behind disability justice and how they can be practically applied to create inclusive online spaces. You do not need to attend both, but we highly recommend it! It will be facilitated by disabled people from the European Network on Independent Living.


Understanding Accessibility in an Online Context

Date: Thursday 11 June
Time: 19:30-21:30 CEST

This participatory workshop will apply the principles of disability justice and explore how to create accessible and empowering online spaces for meetings or trainings.

It is part of a two-session webinar series exploring the principles and ideas behind disability justice and how they can be practically applied to create inclusive online spaces. You do not need to attend both, but we highly recommend it! It will be facilitated by disabled people from the European Network on Independent Living.


Inspiration for digital activism

Date: Wednesday 10 June *Note, the date for this session has recently changed*
Time: 19:00-20:30 CEST

The world has changed a lot in the past few months, and this means the climate justice movement has had to change too.

But in these times of physical distancing, there are still many things we can do to demonstrate solidarity, fight for justice, and to keep taking climate action.

Join 350.org and European Changemakers for this interactive skillshare, to hear from experienced activists about digital tactics and get inspired to take creative action online.

