Today, Valentines Day, Sen. Chuck Schumer showed just how much he <3’s New York when his staff declared his opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline during a visit to his office from dozens of New York climate activists.

Here’s a statement from his office:

“Senator Schumer will be voting against the proposed amendment that includes Keystone XL and is working with Majority Leader Reid to defeat the amendment.” Martin Brennan, state director for Sen. Schumer.

New York can anticipate massive problems stemming from rapid climate change. New York City in particular is at risk from sea level rise and and extreme weather events like Hurricane Irene, which forced the evacuation of many parts of the city last fall. 

Keystone XL would contribute billions of tons of carbon to climate change by accelerating development of the Alberta tar sands – a scenario that NASA’s top climate scientist says means ‘essentially game over’ for the climate.

You can send your thanks to Sen. Schumer here:

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