
PCM 2014. (Robert van Waarden / Survival Media)

Action Videos

Videos from past 350 mobilisations, actions and events.

A Decisive Year for Climate Change (2020)

Global Climate Strike (2019)

$11 Trillion Divested From Fossil Fuels (2019)

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Animated videos to explain and promote 350.

Climate Change is About Power (2015)

We Can Build a Fossil Free World (2018)

Global Divestment Day (2015)


Feature-length films and documentaries that 350 has collaborated on and contributed to.

350 has been involved in the production of several long-form films that document the work of the climate movement:

Indigenous Voices from Latin America: We Are the Document of the Earth

A short documentary about how Indigenous people in Latin America view climate change and its consequences.

Watch Indigenous Voices


A film about courageous action that is being taken on the front lines of the climate crisis on every continent, led by regular people fed up with the power and pollution of the fossil fuel industry.

Watch Disobedience


Disruption takes an unflinching look at the devastating consequences of our inaction and goes behind the scenes of one of the largest climate marches in history, the 2017 People's Climate March.

Watch Disruption


B-roll and other footage for filmmakers.

B-roll footage from projects is available to aligned filmmakers and news organizations covering the climate movement or promoting climate action, with clear attribution and/or thanks to

Create an account with the 350 Media Library for access.

350 Media Library
