Watch the recording on Facebook now
With the world going through the joint crises of COVID-19 and climate breakdown, we want to create a moment of solidarity and guidance. As humanity faces an unknown future, we must recognize the fact that we simply cannot go back to business as usual. This is a time to be decisive in saving lives and bold in charting a path to a genuinely healthier, more equitable and more sustainable future through a just recovery.
That’s why on World Environment Day, and Pathway to Paris came together to create a global online broadcast that will lift us up and show us the routes we need to take. It features a host of incredible musicians, frontline activists, thought leaders, artists and political heroes.
Let’s come together in honor of our communities, environment, future and collective resiliences. Our time is now!
The Virtual Festival was broadcast on Pathway to Paris and’s Facebook pages. You can also enjoy the recording below
Join an incredible group of musicians, artists, grassroots activists and political heroes.
Choices we make today will shape our society, economy, health, and climate for decades to come.
Learn more and join the call for a united global response to this COVID-19 pandemic that ensures a just recovery and transition to a better future for those most in need in the wake of this crisis.
Responses at every level must uphold these five principles:
Put people’s health first, no exceptions.
Create resilience for future crises.
Build solidarity and community across borders – do not empower authoritarians.
The 1000 CITIES Initiative for Carbon Freedom was developed by Pathway to Paris and is based on the idea that if 1000 cities around the world develop and implement ambitious climate action plans that target zero emissions and 100% renewable energy as soon as possible, we will achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement and beyond. Join the 1000 Cities Campaign and sign the petition to push your city’s leaders to go zero emissions and 100% renewable energy.