Do you live in the United States? Elections are less than 24 hours away — and we need you to go vote! Here's why:
Together, we've succeeded in getting President Obama to put Solar on the White House. We called and emailed and visited our Members of Congress. We've reduced our energy use and are fighting back against big coal and oil companies. And on 10/10/10, at over 2000 events across the country (and more than 7000 around the world!) we got to work on climate solutions in our communities.
Those actions have been critically important, but they could all be overshadowed by a failure to elect climate leaders at the federal, state and local levels. This election in the US will help determine whether we spend the next two years playing defense against climate deniers who want to let oil and coal companies use the atmosphere as a planetary sewer, or whether we will enact strong, innovative clean energy and climate laws that begin to solve the problem.
So, tomorrow, make sure to vote, and encourage all your friends and family to do the same.