On July 4, thousands across the country from Atlantic Canada to British-Colombia mobilized on foot, bike and boat to show that we are greater than the tar sands and standing for Jobs, Justice and the Climate. They proved that together, we are ready to move to a new, justice-based economy that works for people and the planet.
Here is the news round-up from this beautiful, powerful day of action:
St John’s, NF: “A Call for Clean Energy,” The Telegram ; “Protesters want province to end reliance on fossil fuels,” NTV ; “The Fight for Jobs, Justice and the Climate,” The Independent
Fredericton, NB: “Climate Rally in Fredericton,” Global News TV
Lac Mégantic, QC: “Marche contre le transport du pétrole à Lac-Mégantic,” Journal de Montreal ; “Lac-Mégantic marches against crude oil returning,” Montreal Gazette ; “Une marche pour dire non au “pétrole sale'” Le Devoir
Quebec City, QC: “Une randonnée cycliste pour s’opposer aux sables bitumineux,” Radio-Canada ; “Promenade à vélo pour sensibiliser la population,” Journal de Québec ; “Oléoduc Énergie Est: opposition à vélo et expo,” Courrier de Portneuf ;
Hudson-Oka, QC: “Des femmes contre les pipelines et les sables bitumineux,” Journal de Montréal ; “Mobilisation dans plusieurs villes contre les sables bitumineux,” Radio-Canada ; “Journée pancanadienne d’action pour le climat, la justice et la transition,” La Presse
Peterborough, ON: “Call for National Leaders to Combat issue of Climate Change,” The Peterborough Examiner
North Bay, ON: “Oil and Trout Lake Don’t Mix,” Bay Today ; “Pipeline Opponents Unveil Billboard,” Nugget.ca
Winnipeg, MN: “Energy East critics Paddle River as part of Nationwide Event,” CBC ; Canadians Unite against Tar Sands, CTV News ; “Country-wide Climate Rally hits Winnipeg,” Winnipeg Free Press ;
Saskatoon, SK: “Rally Targets Oil sands, City Emissions,” The Star Phoenix
Prince Albert, SK: “March for jobs, justice and climate action,” Daily Herald
Edmonton, AL: “Rally uses alternate energy sources to show government how it’s done,” Edmonton Journal ; “Climate Change Concert calls for More Investment in Green Energy,” CBC ; “Green-powered concert rocks Alberta Legislature,” Edmonton Sun ; “Concert for Climate Change,” CTV
Nelson, BC: “Kootenay Paddlers take to water at Nelson Kayaktivism,” The Nelson Daily
Vernon, BC: “Flotilla protest,” Morning Star (scanned)
Nanaimo, BC: “Ready to Rally,” Nanaimo Bulletin (scanned)
Vancouver, BC: “Rally in Vancouver hopes to halt oil and gas work in Alberta,” News 1130 ; “Raises Wages not Sea Levels,” Rank and File
Read about the entire weekend of spectacular #JobsJusticeClimate mobilization here — which included peaceful sit-ins in the offices of 5 Members of Parliament on July 3rd, and the July 5th March in Toronto where 10,000 took to the streets for Jobs, Justice and the Climate.