Millions of people across the world are going to be striking for climate on September 20, all with different experiences of the climate crisis. We’re all a part of this movement for a better world, and all our stories and reasons matter.

Are you joining in? If so, tell us why. We want you to take a selfie or record a quick video explaining why you’re going to take part and show your support for the incredible mobilizing already happening from our youth.

We also need you to do more than just take a selfie though, don’t forget to sign up at We need you on the streets in September.

Share it on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #ClimateStrike and be sure to tag us.

Facebook –

Instagram – @350org

Twitter – @350

You can also email us your stories at [email protected] and we can share them for you.

And you can make it more than a selfie! Introduce us to the community you hope will be joining you. Show us your place of work and why you will be going on strike, or show us your hometown and what you’re striking for.  Remember: your reasons for joining the global climate strike might resonate with someone unexpected and encourage them to join, too. And that’s exactly what we need. 



The School Strikes movement began in August 2018 when Swedish school student, Greta Thunberg, started skipping school to hold a climate strike protest outside Parliament every Friday. Since then, the movement has spread across the globe. This September 20, Greta and youth organisers from 140+ countries are calling on parents, teachers, workers and students to join their youth-led actions in the streets. Set the day aside, go to a protest, or help with a project that takes on the climate crisis. Disrupt business as usual, because it is business as usual that is fuelling the climate crisis.

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