I know you all must be madly preparing for the big day.  We’ve got our coordinating team working around the clock from New York to New Delhi, Budapest to Beirut, and as you can see from all the other blogs coming through these days, the efforts of all our friends around the world are really coming together in style. 

In the excitement of the final days, take a few minutes to stop and watch this latest video from our friend Daniel Dancer.  Daniel’s been working at locations around the world, most recently in Uden, Netherlands, to document 350 in artistic videos of aerial art.  This video comes to us from California, USA, where he’s been developing quite a remarkable effect with people literally writing 350 from nothing with their bodies.  Hard to describe, but really fascinating to watch. 

Check out Daniel’s video below, and then take a minute to think about all the amazing art we’ll be making together in the coming days.  Come back around the blog – we’ll be posting it here as fast as we can so that you can see all the amazing documentation coming in from around the world showing the global, united movement for the climate.


Raven’s Message from Daniel Dancer on Vimeo.

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