As part of our movement building efforts in South Asia, in collaboration with the Bangladesh Youth Movement for Climate (BYMC) and with the generous support of the British Council,  Bangladesh are organizing a Training for Trainers (T4T) for 25 select young people across the South Asian region from September 25 – 28, 2012 at the British Council in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The T4T is meant for activists, civil society leaders and environmentally active youth from across South Asia who will be equipped with vital training resources that will be useful throughout their working career. The workshop itself will be focussed on providing specific skills on ways to build a campaign, building a movement, online campaigning, story telling and various other skills that modern day campaigners would need to work towards achieving their goals. 

In addition, the training for trainers or T4T brings with it a new curriculum that offers the participants an experiential based training. Such a training entails activities that allow the participants to deeply reflect on the issues of our times and develop a strong shared purpose and ways to achieve their goals.

If this is something you are interested in or know of someone who might be interested, then apply or forward this page. One can be part of it by filling in the application here. The T4T will be a 4 day intense training program designed for young people between the age group of 20-40. The deadline for receiving completed applications is August 18, 2012. The final selection of the applicants will be based on the answers in the form.

Besides acquiring various skills as mentioned earlier, the trainers will also practice the training themselves. One of the expectations of the participants before selecting them would be to organize a similar T4T in their own region and that way we continue to build the movement. These trainers will also be encouraged to form local groups that will organize local campaigns which can support through various resources. has already organized T4T’s in a few countries, below you can see an image from a training for trainers conducted in May this year in Rishikesh, India that had participants from all over the country. The programme has received a great response and outcome with more trainers cropping up around the planet and local groups being formed regularly. We understand that climate change cannot be solved overnight or even over a few years, it will take a sustained effort and immense dedication to the cause for addressing it and nurturing such dedication in the new generation is vital.




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