350.org provides digital tools to affiliated local groups to help them grow their group, run campaigns and reach more people in their community. Click here to find out more before applying.

To use 350’s digital tools you must be an affiliated local group or Fossil Free campaign. If your group isn’t affiliated with 350, you can read more about starting or affiliating your group here.

If your group is already affiliated with 350 and would like to apply to use our digital tools, read and agree to our Data Protection Agreement then fill out the form below.

By using a 350.org provided Action Network group, you understand and agree to the following:

  • Adhere to the 350.org privacy policy. It basically says that we’re committed to internet privacy, only collect information provided voluntarily, and don’t sell or share information with unaffiliated parties. If you choose to create an Action Network group, please read the privacy policy in full.
  • Understand and comply with data privacy laws. Keeping data safe and respecting user privacy is enshrined in law in many countries. This is especially important in Europe, as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has severe penalties for non-compliance. There are some additional requirements for European groups below.
  • Limit who has administrator access to only those who need it. You must not give administrator access to people outside of your group, and be careful about who you give access to in your group. Action Network allows you to control permission levels for each user and it’s better to err on the side of caution.
  • Be careful with reports and exports. The safest place for your data is in Action Network. Data that is removed from Action Network via a report or other export feature must be handled carefully as it contains private personal information about your supporters. Share it only with highly trusted people in your group and once you have finished using a report, delete all copies of the file immediately, and if it was printed, destroy all copies.
  • Respect unsubscribes and requests to be deleted. If someone unsubscribes from your group, or requests to be removed from your database, you must respect that. If someone contacts your group requesting to be removed, you must forward that request to [email protected] so that we can also delete them from our org-wide database.
  • Use a strong, unique passcode. You are putting your group and 350.org at risk by reusing a password. We recommend using a password manager like Dashlane to generate and store strong and unique passwords for all of your accounts.
  • Create unique accounts for each user. It is much more secure for each user to have their own account rather than to share passwords. Create new accounts for each user (and only give them permissions that they need) and if you are an administrator, never share your password.
  • User data will be shared with 350.org. You understand that by using an Action Network group provided by 350.org, members of your group will also be subscribed to 350.org’s mailing list. Members can unsubscribe from either mailing list at any time.
  • Include the language provided by 350.org in the data processing text. You must state in your custom page wrappers that the page is a part of 350.org’s network, and that signers will receive updates from both your group and 350.org. You must also link to the 350.org privacy policy (see above).
  • Adhere to the best practices for groups, as outlined by 350.org. Keep email traffic light, avoid duplication, and maintain a high quality of content. You can find more details on best practices here. If you choose to create an Action Network group, please read the best practices in full.
  • Send emails only about opportunities related to the core focus of building a grassroots climate movement. Organizing a rally at City Hall to call for more investment in renewable energy? Great. Promoting your private renewable energy firm’s products? This is not the appropriate venue.
  • Do not send emails that contain content  that could be offensive, discriminatory, dangerous, or illegal. Might sound obvious, but we have to say it. For campaigns involving planned civil disobedience, we also ask that you use an alternate platform (e.g. Google Forms).
  • Make sure that all new organisers and administrators added to your group are aware of these conditions. We expect that you are not the only person who will use Action Network, but we do expect you to inform all people using your group to know the conditions of using the group. Use the different permission levels in Action Network to limit access to only the functions they need.
