The network was built to enable local 350 groups to create and manage their own websites and campaign pages: including posting blog posts, and creating pages and superpages.

Your site uses a plugin called Superpages which enables you to create more complex lay-outs for your homepage or new campaigns/projects your group may launch.

Baseline is the WordPress theme that is used on and is designed to be a flexible foundation for many types of websites.

Below you’ll find a wide range of resources to help you create superpages from scratch as well as customize/edit/duplicate the existing template we set up automatically for each new account.

Before you begin please check out the Guide to for Local Groups

Resources and Site Features

If you’re already set up with your account check below for resources on the Baseline theme and its different features, as well as tips and guidance on how to easily customize and tailor your superpages to your needs.

Introduction to Superpages

  • A general guide to everything superpages
  • All about the baseline template, the template we use on all our websites
  • Baseline User Manual for additional key resources and descriptions of site features
  • Types of Superpage Sections – Useful before you start building superpages from scratch
  • Customize the pre-installed superpage template (video)

    By default we install a template superpage as your homepage. This video is a short introduction to superpages to get you started on making this template into your Local Group’s homepage.

    Create menus for your website and superpages (video)

    There are 2 types of menus you can create:

  • ones you can integrate across your website
  • one-off menus that only show up on a single page
  • This video runs you through how to create each of these menus.

    Embed different social media or calendar feeds (video)

    If you have a facebook, twitter, gcal, or an account on another platform this video will show you how you can replace the feeds in the template with your group’s.

    Update and edit the header of your website (video)

    Update and Edit the footer of your website (video)

    Embed a youtube video into your website (video)

    Embed a blog pulling in posts only using certain tags (video)

    You can embed your blog in any superpage and by default it will show all your posts. This video shows you how to embed so that only posts with certain tags show up in the blog-roll on that specific superpage.

    Embed Action Network forms into your superpage (guide)

    Customize the template we have set up for you with all your group’s content

    If you’re using Action Network to manage your mailing list: you can embed any Action Network “actions” (i.e. form, petition, letter campaign, etc.) on a widget or page. A simple Action Network sign-up form is already embeded in your superpage template, but it requires customization. Make sure you at least update the auto response and sharing options. You can find out how to embed an Action Network form into your superpage here.

    Action Network Resources

  • An introduction to Action Network for Local Groups
  • Action Network has a lot of good documentation, video tutorials, FAQs, etc. Take some time and check out these resources to help you get going. We also recommend signing up to receive updates from Action Network about fixes, new features, etc.
  • How to create sign-up forms in Action Network.
  • How to embed an Action Network form in a site.
  • How to customize your default (custom) page and email wrappers (guide). This one is a must-read!
  • Guidance on how to upload contacts for migrating lists over from another system or any time you need to upload or edit a big batch of contacts at once. Note and reminder: Once your contacts are uploaded, they will be added both to your mailing list and to the overall 350 list. If they’re new to our list, they will automatically be sent a welcome email telling them why they’re there and what we’re about.
  • Best practices for your Action Network contact management system.
  • FAQ – Coming Soon

    If you’re already set with your account check below for resources on the Baseline theme and different features as well as tips and guidance on how to easily customize and tailor your superpages to your needs.

    If you’ve stumbled upon this website and your local group isn’t already affiliated with find out more about how to become part of the Local Group Network.

    If you are already part of an affiliated group apply for access to our digital tools.

    If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:
    [email protected].
