We’re excited to share a project that has been in the works for quite some time – 350’s Photographers for the Earth, inspired and organized by professional photographer Chris Noble.  Please read on for Chris’ introduction to the project, and please do click through the beautiful, and powerful, photos.

Welcome to 350’s “Photographer’s for the Earth.”  In this section of our website we feature imagery created by some of the world’s most talented and accomplished photographers illustrating the scale and consequences of climate change.  As an outdoor photographer with thirty-five years experience, for me global warming has never been an abstraction. It’s been part of my direct experience. Even in my brief career, I can see with my own eyes the effects of decreasing snowfall and retreating glaciers in areas stretching from the European Alps, to the Himalaya, the Arctic, and coastal Alaska.

To those studying global warming, it’s evident the problem is a monumental challenge unlike any other in human history.  Since each of us as individuals contributes to the problem, the only solution is for all of us to join forces and collectively generate solutions.  That’s why when I heard Bill McKibben speak about 350.org, I realized that since photography is one of the most influential communication tools available, it makes perfect sense to use the it’s power to bring home compelling evidence of climate change to those for whom the issue remains a questionable and nebulous concept.  So if you’re a professional, fine art, journalistic, or scientific photographer, or even if you’ve never been published but have a striking high resolution image of the effects of global warming, the earth needs your help. Please join all the amazing dedicated and talented people contributing to 350.org to get people and governments convinced, motivated, and mobilized to find solutions before its too late.

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