February 23, 2024

350.org Expresses Concern Over Inclusion of National Oil Company President and Security Service in COP29 Organizing Committee

350.org raises serious concerns about today’s announcement by the COP29 Presidency on the participation of Rovshan Najaf, President of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR), in the COP29 organizing committee. Furthermore, the involvement of Ilgar Musayev, Head of the country’s Service of Special Communication and Information Security, raises questions regarding the protection of civic space and rights, as well as privacy. This is the second year in a row that the COP negotiations have been held in a petrostate, spelling a major conflict of interest with members of the fossil fuel industry welcomed with open arms.


Andreas Sieber, Associate Director of Policy and Campaigns at 350.org:

“With plans for fossil fuel expansion and a lack of clear strategies to transition away from fossil fuels, the inclusion of an oil company president in the COP29 organizing committee, along with a secret service representative, presents a significant conflict of interest, jeopardizing the integrity of the presidency.

The inclusion of high-ranking members of the Secret Service in the core COP team not only raises eyebrows but also sparks concerns about civic space and privacy. We call for assurances to uphold these fundamental values throughout the COP process.

Hosting UN climate talks bears a profound responsibility to the global community. Trust in the presidency is paramount for a successful COP, and every COP presidency is expected to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and impartiality, serving as guardians of a process that transcends the interests of the host country.”
