March 3, 2016 Responds to FBI’s Criminal Division Launching Exxon Probe

Contact: Lindsay Meiman, (347) 460-9082

Washington, DC — Communications Director Jamie Henn issued the following to the news that the Department of Justice is referring an investigation into ExxonMobil to the FBI criminal division:

“This is turning into a nightmare for Exxon. No company wants to hear their name and ‘criminal’ in the same sentence. This FBI investigation must quickly lead back to a full Department of Justice inquiry and, ultimately, legal action. There’s too much public pressure and action by state Attorney General’s for this case to disappear into a bureaucratic blackhole. Exxon knew about climate change, they misled the public, and it’s time for them to held to be criminal account.” is part of the #ExxonKnew campaign calling for investigations into how Exxon knew about climate change as early as the 1970s and proceeded to mislead the public, government, and their investors about the severity of the crisis. The campaign has delivered tens of thousands of signatures to the Department of Justice and state Attorney General’s calling for an investigation.


  1. Justice Department Refers Exxon Investigation Request to FBI,” InsideClimate News, March 2, 2016
