
350.org was born in 2008, from the passion of a group of university friends in the United States, with the goal to build a globally connected movement that reflected the scale of the climate crisis. We quickly became a planet-wide collaboration of organizers, community groups and regular people fighting for a fossil free future.

Today, we work across the globe opposing coal plants and mega-pipelines, campaigning to move money away from fossil fuels and into renewable solutions that work in benefit of communities, and fostering an energy transition to a world powered by the sun, the wind and the people. We take on ambitious fights, and we often win!




Growing a Global Climate Movement

350.org is founded by a group of university friends in the United States, along with the author Bill McKibben. Together, their goal is to build a global climate movement.


Connecting the Climate Movement Internationally

Ahead of the UN COP15 Summit in Copenhagen and 350.org’s first Global Day of Action, people in 181 countries mobilize to demand a binding climate treaty to stay below 350 parts per million (350 ppm) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

While no deal results, this day creates a newfound momentum within the movement, spurring new climate campaigns, locally, regionally and internationally, resulting in many wins over the following years.


Holding Political Leaders Accountable

350.org throws a Global Work Party, where people all over the world join to dig community gardens, install solar panels, plant trees – and show political leaders they need to get to work, too.

This signals a new kind of movement: one that will continue to hold political leaders accountable.

Community planters from the community of Anmarwut in the Marhsall Islands


Resisting the Keystone XL Pipeline

Our decade-long fight against the Keystone XL pipeline begins, as we provide training and support to climate leaders to take on the fossil fuel industry and start campaigns involving their own communities.

Our Victories at a Glance

  • Keystone XL Pipeline Resistance

    350.org, along with 10,000 activists, gathers outside the White House in Washington, D.C, to protest the proposed Keystone XL. This massive tar sands pipeline which, if built, would have the capacity to carry 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada to the United States, with devastating consequences to the climate and communities. Scroll down to 2021, when the federal government finally cancels the project for good.

    May Boeve, 350.org Executive Director, being arrested outside the White House for protesting against the Keystone XL pipeline.
  • Skilling up the movement

    We introduce trainings to accelerate and scale the movement, equipping thousands with tools to be climate leaders in their own communities.

    Participants at a training sessions during Global PowerShift. Istambul, Türkiye.


Launching the Divestment Movement

350.org and partners reveal the massive stockpiles of fossil fuels to the world, setting the stage for the divestment movement. Throughout the years, our network will get over 1,300 institutions to divest from fossil fuels.

Members of the divestment movement leafleting for their pension fund to go fossil free, Peterborough, UK. Photo: Derek Langley

Our Victories at a Glance

  • Do the Math Tour

    Bill McKibben and Naomi Klein reveal fossil fuel industry's excess reserves, enough to exceed our carbon budget fivefold. Their film energizes campus groups in North America to push for fossil fuel divestment.

    Bill McKibben, Naomi Klein and other activists make a joint case against the fossil fuel industry in the Do the Math Tour, New York, US.
  • The Fossil Free Divestment movement is born

    Inspired by the successful divestment campaigns against apartheid in South Africa, our movement started with students and universities petitioning their schools to divest their money from fossil fuels. The first significant victory came when Unity College in Maine became the first college to divest, in November 2012.

    Students from the University of Illinois campaign for their campus to divest from fossil fuels, Urbana, US.


Empowering Youth Climate Leaders

350.org organizes Global Power Shift, in Türkiye, where we train 600 young activists from 135 countries. They return home to strengthen the climate movement in their own countries, from India to Vanuatu, Ukraine to Thailand. Additionally, we widen our global divestment movement.

Activists gather at Global Power Shift, Istanbul, Türkiye. Photo: Shadia Fayne Wood

Our Victories at a Glance


Mobilizing Thousands for Climate

350.org leads the People's Climate March, the largest climate march in history, with 400,000 people flooding the streets in New York, joined by 2,000 actions in 162 countries.

Our Victories at a Glance


Making International Climate Policies a Reality

Ahead of COP21, 350.org leads the Global Climate March with 10,000 people coming to the streets in Paris, supported by 775,000 globally. We demand a climate treaty that keeps fossil fuels in the ground and finances and a 100% renewable energy transition to limit global heating to 1.5 ºC.

More than 10,000 people protest to ask world leaders to commit to urgent climate action, Paris, France. Photo: Collin Rees

Our Victories at a Glance


Keeping Fossil Fuels in the Ground

Our Break Free from Fossil Fuels campaign unites 30,000 people across 6 continents, spearheading action against coal, oil, and gas projects, making 'Keep it in the ground' a global rallying cry. Our efforts prompt investigations against Exxon, along with halting more coal plants and fossil fuel projects.

Our Victories at a Glance


Fighting Climate Deniers & Stopping Pipelines

Our People's Climate March sees 200,000 people march through Washington, D.C to push back against Trump and newly elected climate-denying politicians. After years of campaigning, we help the scrapping of big pipeline projects, fracking bans and large scale divestments.

200,000 people march calling for better climate policies by political leaders, Washington D.C, US.

Our Victories at a Glance


Mobilizing for the Climate & Canceling Coal Mines

We mobilize 250,000 people across 91 countries in 831 actions during Rise for Climate day, demanding real climate action from local leaders. We develop the People's Dossier, emphasizing urgency to halt fossil fuel infrastructure, which has been mentioned in 200+ articles with a reach of 90 million people.

Thousands of people gather demanding a phase-out of fossil fuel extraction and a just transition to a 100% renewable energy economy, San Francisco, US. Photo: Brooke Anderson / Survival Media Agency

Our Victories at a Glance


A Historic Global Climate Strike

We help mobilize the largest climate movement in history, the Global Climate Strikes, engaging 7.6 million globally. During this event, we build digital infrastructure, conduct trainings, and coach youth activists, propelling new leaders like Mitzi Jonelle Tan and Luisa Neubauer into the spotlight.

Mitzi Jonelle Tan and other youth activists march as part of the global Climate Strikes, Quezon City, Philippines. Photo: AC Dimatatac, Leo Sabangan, Dino Damar

Our Victories at a Glance


Taking Climate Activism Online

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, we double-down our efforts to support communities and organizers remotely by releasing several online resources including the Climate Resistance Handbook featuring a foreword by Greta Thunberg, in multiple languages. We help organize a Earth day-live event, a 3-day interactive live stream featuring performers from all over the world, including Jane Fonda, Vanessa Nakate, Ziggy Marley and dozens of global leaders spurring collective action to protect our communities and our planet.

Sunrise Movement founder Varshini Prakash, Naomi Klein, Joaquin Phoenix and Moby join other prominent activists from climate, labor, feminist, and racial justice movements for Earth Day Live

Our Victories at a Glance


Building Resilience with Creativity

Our decade of fierce resistance finally leads to cancellation of the Keystone XL in the US. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we host the online Global Just Recovery Gathering, bringing 7000 activists from 151 countries to collectively reimagine our future. Upholding 350.org’s values of boldness, creativity and strategy, this gathering sustains our movement’s momentum through the pandemic.

Our Victories at a Glance

  • Keystone XL project definitively canceled

    The 10-year battle by 350.org and various partners, is won as President Biden rescinds the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and has the US rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement. TC Energy also officially terminates the Keystone XL project.

  • Asian megabanks shift from fossil fuels

    350 Asia and its allies’ action prompts the Asian Development Bank’s acceleration plan to phase out new coal, oil, and gas projects, and exclude direct funding for coal power projects. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) pledges to triple its renewables and green bond investments by 2025.

  • Brazilian Development Bank ends coal financing

    After months of sustained pressure from 350.org and partner organizations, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) finally puts coal financing on its exclusion list, stating that they will not finance any new coal mines or coal power plants.

    350.org Brazil and artisanal fishermen from AHOMAR denounce the BNDES’ high investments in fossil fuels, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • The European Central Bank incorporates climate as a focus area

    After 18 months of protests by 350.org and a coalition of NGOs, groups and institutions, the European Central Bank (ECB) announces that it would incorporate climate as a key area of focus in its risk assessments and monetary policy formulation.

    Our partner, Koala Kollektiv takes action outside the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany calling for the central bank to stop funding fossil fuels and climate chaos
  • Total's lies exposed

    Together with the French organization Notre Affaire à Tous, we expose Total’s 50-year cover up of climate science. The #TotalKnew campaign told the world how Total had known about the climate-changing effect of burning fossil fuels since 1971. It led the French government to finally commit to stop financing fossil fuel projects abroad.

    French grassroots groups hold a Total Ment demonstration to draw attention to the oil giant's responsibility in driving the climate crisis and for lying to their shareholders, Palais Brongniart, France. Photo: Jean Nicholas Guillo


Blocking Major Carbon Bombs

The Stop East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) coalition, coordinated by 350.org, forces the withdrawal of funding to the pipeline from 25 commercial banks and 23 (re)insurers, halting the planned 1,443km pipeline from Uganda to Tanzania and impacting millions of people. Our persistent efforts lead to cancelation of more and more coal mines and projects in different parts of the world.

As part of the StopEACOP European tour organized by 350.org, activists from Uganda protest EACOP in front of the TotalEnergies headquarters, La Defense, France. Photo: Léa Garson

Our Victories at a Glance

  • EACOP's human rights violations exposed

    Our work with the StopEACOP coalition, involving 260 organizations globally, leads to the European Parliament issues an emergency resolution against the project’s human rights violations and environmental threats. In France, we organize a “People’s Trial” condemning Total’s crimes against communities and the environment.

    Prior to Total's Annual General Meeting, 350.org and partners organize a mock trial to symbolically indict Total and its financiers, Ile-de-France, France. Photo: Sidney Léa Le Bour
  • Guaíba coal mine stopped in Brazil

    The Federal Court in Brazil suspends the environmental license of the Guaíba open-pit coal mine in Porto Alegre, as a result of the pressure led by impacted communities supported by 350.org and other organizations. If built, this would be the biggest open-pit coal mine in Latin America..

    Activists protest against the Guaíba coal mine during a public hearing, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
  • Fossil fuel auction halted in Brazil

    350.org, together with artisanal fishing communities and environmental groups protests against auction for deep oil extraction. The result: only five out of 92 blocks are sold in the worst historical auction outcome, safeguarding crucial marine biodiversity areas.

    Fisherpeople and traditional communities protest outside of major oil auction, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Support for Matabari coal project canceled in Bangladesh

    350.org and frontline communities campaign against the expansion of Matarbari coal project leading to investors withdrawing, and Japanese banks canceling planned financial support.

  • Japanese shareholders take action

    In Asia, we took a different approach to our campaigning with Japanese megabanks, working from the inside to persuade shareholders to ask for better and more sustainable investment policies. This results in the three major financial institutions (MUFG, Mizuho FG and SMBC) updating their climate policies and targets.

    Activists demand SMBC to stop banking on climate change and strengthen its climate policies, Tokyo, Japan. Photo: Daiki Tateyama
  • Fossil fuels funding cut in Türkiye

    In less than four months from its launch, our campaign 'Smoke Free Money Zone' asking Turkish banks to stop investing in fossil fuels, particularly coal, achieves its first win! QNB Finansbank, one of the leading banks in the country, announces that they would no longer be financing coal.

    Thousands of olive defenders come together to protest against coal expansion and financing, which would impact their ancient lands and their livelihoods, Milas, Türkiye. Photo: Mahmut Koyaş / Change.org


Mobilizing Thousands for Community-led Renewable Energy

We come together in more than 220 events for Our Global Power up! Campaign across 66 countries with 15,000+ activists. Our voice is loud and goes far: from the streets worldwide to the corridors of power at the UN Climate talks in Dubai. We spotlight the fossil fuel industry’s greed and reclaim money and power to fund a just and peaceful future powered by the sun, the wind, and the people – everywhere.

360 students and teachers mobilize to champion community-led renewable energy solutions. Photo: Kathleen Lei Limayo, Genesis Epistola

Our Victories at a Glance


Looking Ahead to Climate Solutions

Across the world, people are already leading the way towards a clean, just and peaceful world powered by renewable energy rooted in the principles of justice: solutions which put the people and our planet before corporate profit, widen energy access and lower energy costs, generate jobs and reduce emissions.

A world free from fossil fuels and our shared future powered on renewable energy is closer than ever! Stay tuned for more wins!

For more detailed information about each years' achievements, check our Annual Reports.

► Help 350.org build a powerful climate movement.

We believe in a safe climate and a better future — a just, prosperous, and equitable world built with the power of ordinary people. Help us get there!
