
This is the message we’re bringing to Paris:

Keep fossil fuels in the ground — really, just stop digging and drilling — and start building renewable energy everywhere we can. Turn off the old kind of energy that’s killing us, and turn on a renewable future. Do it now.

Add your voice. Tell world governments:

We need a climate deal that's in line with the imperatives of science and justice. Keep 80% of fossil fuels in the ground and finance a just transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050.

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2015 is on track to be the hottest year in recorded history, and this December hundreds of world governments will meet in Paris to try to strike a global climate agreement. It will be the biggest gathering of its kind since 2009, and it’s potentially a big deal for our global movement.

So far, however, commitments from world governments just aren’t adding up. This has the makings of a global failure of ambition — and at a moment when renewable energy is becoming a revolutionary economic force that could power a just transition away from fossil fuels.

The solutions are obvious: we need to stop digging up and burning fossil fuels, start building renewable energy everywhere we can, and make sure communities on the front lines of climate change have the resources they need to respond to the crisis. This could be a turning point — if we push for it. 

Here is’s plan for what we call “The Road Through Paris”: the plan to grow our movement and hold world leaders accountable to the action we need. And it’s the road through Paris, not the road to Paris, because our work won’t be done in December. No matter what happens at the summit, this will continue to be true: Politicians don’t lead movements — people do.

Road Through Paris timeline

Get plugged in:

September 10th: “Off + On”

How do you turn off fossil fuels and turn on the renewable energy revolution? The “Off + On” event in NYC (and livestreamed around the world) brought together climate movement leaders from across the globe for an evening of ideas & strategies to kick off a season of action in the run-up to the Paris Climate Summit.

Watch the VIDEO

September 26th: Power through Paris

These are our red lines for the Paris talks: Keep 80% of fossil fuels in the ground and finance a just transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050. What are your community’s climate red lines? What are you going to fight to protect? Just two months before the big summit, communities around the world will come together to figure out what the road through Paris looks like where they live. These ‘Power through Paris’ workshops are a chance to learn together, plan together, and build momentum for the road ahead.

Find a workshop

Divest for Paris

Paris Climate Summit provides a unique opportunity to divest your community. Tens of thousands of people are taking part in the summit, including university presidents, faith leaders, and lots of elected officials. They all need to be told that we need to keep fossil fuels in the ground and divesting from fossil fuels send this strong message to all these leaders. If your mayor is going to Paris, your university is sending a delegation, or you belong to a faith community make sure that they’re going with a divestment commitment.


December 12th: Mass Mobilisation

When the talks wrap up, we’re planning a big action in Paris on December 12th to make sure the people — not the politicians — have the last word.

Take Action
